How to Diversify, Grow and Protect Your Wealth

Does it ever feel like expenses are constantly rising? 

Food? Gas? Kids? 

Maybe you own a business, and your employees face the same pressures?

College tuition? Disney World? 

We all face some version of these realities. 

Have you struggled with what to do about these forces? Me too. 

I always had this concern: How would I provide for myself?
That has shifted into: How will I provide for my family? 


In 2000, a good friend of mine recommended a little purple book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. That book fundamentally shifted my perspective. Prior to reading “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” I had only thought of investing as something that took place in the stock market.

It never occurred to me the importance of getting cash flow from my investments. 

This reframed the idea of diversification for me. 

Diversification is defined by Merriam-Webster as: the act or process of diversifying something or of becoming diversified: an increase in the variety or diversity of something.; As it relates to investing, they state: the act or practice of spreading investments among a variety of securities or classes of securities. 

This concept was the driving force for me to study finance and economics at Oklahoma State University. I wanted to understand why. 

Fast forward to today... 

What do we see week after week? 

Headlines like this: “Trouble for Tech", “Bond Yields Won’t Be Quelled,” “GameStop stock is Up,” “Bitcoin is Up.”

Actually, it seems like everything always goes up. 

Will it though? That brings us back to diversification and “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.” It’s never a bad idea to have multiple streams of income that exceed your monthly expenses.

I like to think of it very simply like this:


Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a stack of investments that we could build year over year?

A steady consistent group of investments that are real and pay a fair return. That is the mission of BMD Investment Group. We help passive investors, diversify, protect, and grow their wealth with investment opportunities that serve fundamental community needs.

How is this possible? 

The good news is you have already started by reading this newsletter!. 

It’s like any journey... We don’t teach a first grader calculus. Michael Phelps didn’t win the Olympic Gold without swimming his first 25 meters. 

It starts in a simple way. It starts today. 

If you are just getting your mind wrapped around these topics, you’re in good company. Here are a few ideas you can employ today:

  • Join a local cashflow club. The CashFlow game has helped me meet incredible people and teach me invaluable lessons. Sign-up for a game in your city. If you live in Oklahoma City, sign up here

  • Listen to a podcast. Here is one of my favorites: Real Estate Espresso Podcast. 

  • Attend a local real estate investing club meetup. 

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If you are further along in your journey and would like to make your first investment, then let’s connect. Most importantly, if there are things you have learned or would like to share, we would love to highlight them. 

We are all in this together. That is the power of telling stories. We get to learn from those who have sailed before us and apply those lessons to our current lives. 

Like what you read? Send us a note, or better yet, share it with a friend. They can sign-up here.

Until next time- share the wealth!



How Private Placements Diversify Your Income